Baby Baby Baby! (Newborn, Sibling & Family photos)
Please complete the following + scroll down for some helpful information about your session!
Please bring whatever you need to feed baby to the session. Babies work up quite an appetite being constantly moved around in the warm studio! It is best to feed your baby just before coming to the session and top up in the studio. This will help your baby to settle and get them ready to be nice and sleepy. I have a kettle and microwave, you are welcome to use if you need it. There is a comfortable sitting area in the private studio.
Try to interact with and keep your baby awake for at least 1-2 hours before your session. This will help ensure those squishy, sleepy newborn pictures! I cannot stress enough that it is so important to do your best to keep your baby awake as long as you can before the session. If you are travelling over an hour (most of my clients do), please do not stress about letting them sleep in the car. It is totally okay!
A little nap before coming in for the session is great! Lots of food and normal routine. They love to be awake at the start and sleep towards the end of the session. For older babies, it is really 'go with the flow!' So please do not stress! If you do want sleepy photos though, it is important not to let your baby have a huge nap before the session. If you have any questions at all or need some advice, please feel free to contact me!
Please dress baby in loose-fitting clothes. This is to avoid any lines on your baby's skin and helps to avoid disturbing your baby when getting undressed. Once you arrive at the studio, baby will only wear a nappy and spend most of the time unclothed and wrapped.
What you should wear:
Please avoid wearing logos, pinstripes and polkadots. As cute as these are, they do not photograph well. Plain neutral toned clothing is perfect! Block colours always suit really well. The photos are taken from the waist up, so there is no need to worry about footwear in photos. Plus, we ask you to take your shoes off at the door. Please be sure that your nails are manicured (nothing fancy, just making sure there is no chipped nail polish) as your hands will make their way into the photos.
We have a huge ever-growing collection of headbands, hats, bonnets, wraps, boxes, outfits and more! There is no need to bring anything from home unless there is something special or important to your family you would like to be included in the photos. If you do have something you would like to bring to the shoot to be photographed with your baby, please let me know ahead of time (see questionnaire above) so I can include it in the flow of your session.
As well as -
* A pacifier/ dummy - they can be very helpful during the session (even if you have not used one before, although it is up to you!)
* Nappy bag (extra nappies & wipes)
* Water & snacks (session can be 2-3 hours long)
* Baby blanket
* Spit rags
The studio will be kept approximately 24 degrees. This will help to keep your little one warm while being photographed. All family photos are taken at the end of the session (unless you have siblings then it will be at the start). Due to the nature of the session, we ask that your spouse/partner/friend take the older siblings out for something fun to do while we finish up with the individual newborn shots. This will help to make sure we get the absolute best results possible! The Lifestyle centre is across the road. They have a farm walk, cafe and plant nursery. So there is lots to do! During the session, sit back and relax. We won’t need much assistance, so take advantage of this time to rest on the couch!
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